This study is for everyone – including children and youth!

  • The book provides daily devotions on the words of Jesus for you to do individually, or with your family. Think of this like our Portals of Prayer or other devotional that you like to read daily. RLC is a wonderful devotion for us to share together in Lent as a church


  • Each All Saints family with children will get their copy of a kids’ book – it will work great for elementary age children! With older youth you can decide whether you want to do the red or the black book.
  • We’ll learn to be doers of the Word by being, forgiving, serving, giving and going.




  • We hope that the church members support this church wide Bible study challenge by generously donating to it. The cost for us is $10/book, and everything toward that will help. Important: we want everyone to do the study! You do not have to ‘pay’ for your book.
  • Find more info on the Red Letter Challenge, go here.
  • If your friend is interested in the study, we do have extra books! You can also purchase on Amazon here.


I want to study this with a small group from church. How do I join one?

Do the Elders and Pastor support this challenge?

  • Yes! Church leaders encourage all members to study God’s word daily. Hopefully this challenge will help you get into the habit and that you will continue to stay in the Word even after the RLC challenge is finished. 

How long will the challenge last?

It’s for the 40 days of Lent, beginning on Ash Wednesday. But if you think about it, the challenge to study the Bible every day lasts a lifetime!

Why start on Ash Wednesday? What is Ash Wednesday anyway? 

  • We are starting on Ash Wednesday because it is the beginning of the Lent season which is the 40 days (except Sundays) leading up to Easter (Resurrection of Jesus). Ash Wednesday derives its name from the practice of blessing ashes made from palm branches. 
  • Palms were placed before Jesus as he entered Jerusalem. The ashes of palms are put on the forehead of participants by the Pastor while he recites the words “Repent, and believe in the Gospel” or “Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return” This comes from Genesis 3:19 which says: “In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.”
  • The ashes help us remember that we are created by God from and get our life and hope only from God. It is the Holy Spirit that God breathed into Adam to give him life.

Why study scripture? 

  • “All Scripture is God breathed and useful for teaching, correcting, rebuking and building up.”-2 Timothy 3:16 
  • Studying scripture gives us a way to build up our faith and understanding of who God is and what His plans are for our life. 
  • It also gives us a roadmap to building a life modeled on Christ. As he first loved us, we love him. As he served others we serve our neighbors. 

Are the words of Jesus that we see printed in red, more important than the rest of the Bible? 

  • No, all the Words in the Bible are from God. All carry weight and are worth studying. We choose to study the Red Letters because they are familiar to many and the messages are simple.

Can I do this challenge alone?

  • Yes! But you will get more out of the challenge if you can discuss the readings with someone else. As Jesus said “ where two or more are gathered in my name, I am there.” -Matthew 18:20
  • We also strongly encourage families to do these devotions together. The family is the original small group created by God after all! 

Do I have to do this challenge with someone from church? Or can I do this study with a friend?

  • You can do this challenge with anyone who wants to study God’s word. We hope you can study with a fellow Christian, but if you do study with a friend we hope that your faithful witness to them as a believer is a blessing to them. 

Does the church provide the study book?

  • Yes. Contact the office during the week, or ask for one on Sunday from Clarisse, Marjaana, Julia, or Pastor!

Do I have to pay for my book? 

  • No. However, we do suggest a free will offering of $10 to offset the costs of providing these resources to the congregation. You can earmark your donation when you give on Sunday, you can put it in an envelope and place it in your Elders mailbox or send it to your group leader. Some group leaders are using a mobile app like Apple Pay or Zelle to make free will donations easier. 

How do I get another book if I want to study with a friend? 

  • We have extra books - just let us know! You can also find and order the book on Amazon. 

Are there materials for children and youth?

  • Yes! Ask Clarisse, Marjaana, Julia, or Pastor and we'll give you a book!


If you have comments or questions contact 
